Tuesday, January 21, 2014

How To Change "Page Headers" For Different Pages In MS Word Document

This is article explains, How to change "page headers' for different pages in MS Word.

1. Let say, you have opened a word document having the content in 3 pages.

2. Go to Page 1 of the Word document

3. Enter Header as "SARAN KUMAR AND ASSOCIATES" by following any of the below steps

  • Double click the "Header" area
  • Click "Edit Header" in the Drop Down command of "Header" in the Group "Header & Footer" under the "Insert" Tab which is from the Ribbon Bar

4. By default the same Header (ie., SARAN KUMAR AND ASSOCIATES) appears in all the 3 pages

5. To change the Header name as "WWW.CHAIRETURN.COM" for the 2nd Page, continue the following steps:
  • Go to end of the 1st Page (previous page of the proposed 2nd Header)
  • Click "Next Page" in the Drop Down command of "Breaks" in the Group "Page Setup" under the "Pay Layout" Tab which is from the Ribbon Bar (this is to add the Section Break)

  • Go to the 2nd Page and double click the Header

  • Deselect the "Link to Previous" command in the Group "Navigation" under the "Header and Footer Tools - Design" Tab which is from the Ribbon Bar

  • Enter the Header as "WWW.CHAIRETURN.COM" and which will simply continues for the following pages

6. To change the Header name as "WWW.ONEPERSONCOMPANY.IN" for the 3rd Page, continue the following steps:

  • Go to end of the 2nd Page (previous page of the proposed 3rd Header)
  • Click "Next Page" in the Drop Down command of "Breaks" in the Group "Page Setup" under the "Pay Layout" Tab which is from the Ribbon Bar (this is to add the Section Break)

  • Go to the 3rd Page and double click the Header

  • Deselect the "Link to Previous" command in the Group "Navigation" under the "Header and Footer Tools - Design" Tab which is from the Ribbon Bar

  • Enter the Header as "WWW.ONEPERSONCOMPANY.IN" and which will simply continues for the following pages

Let us know, your comments below.


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  2. You solve down big headache for me. I try to many times how to Change page header different times. Thank you.

  3. Convert numbers into words in MS Excel - Spell Number
    One of my friends often used to ask me is there any formula in MS Excel through which he can convert number into text, number to word conversion or simply if he can spell numbers to English. He was using MS Excel 2007 file to maintain record of his business and needed this formula for reporting
    purposes. I told him that there is no in-built formula in Excel for this conversion and he had to create Macro to make this happen. There can be other people as well facing the same problem so I have decided to upload its method for public use.

    1. Open Microsoft VB for excel. This can be done through Alt + F11.
    2. Insert module by right clicking “VBA Project” on extreme left of the screen. This can also be done through “Insert Module”.
    3. Past VBA code given below, save & close it and save your file as Macro enabled file (Excel Macro Enabled Workbook).
    Note: Formula name for this action is “SpellNumberToEnglish”

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